B2B Lead Generation

Using a referral letter that teases them into an appointment - Getting into the bigger companies for the regular work they dish out.

No - grumpy face
When you are quoting on a new job, or answering phone enquiries, would you like
to hear more “no’s”?
“Have you lost your marbles, Paul?”  I hear you say. “That’s crazy, I’m trying to make a living. Why would I want more “no’s”?
Streets Magnum ice creamDo you like Streets Magnum Ice Creams?
You know those chocolate covered creamy adventures on a stick.
Well, Streets had a Magnum promotion recently. 1 out of every 6 magnums
purchased, sported a specially marked stick, entitling the holder to a free Magnum.
Your chances of winning were as good as 1 in 6.    They’re good odds.
The promotion went very well.
In a normal competition you throw your name into a barrel among thousands of others for a chance to win. This one, you had an almost guaranteed chance of 1:6.
You knew your odds – and that’s attractive.

It’s the same in business.
You know you won’t get every quote. You know every enquiry won’t turn into work.
 You play the ‘free quote’ game, in the hope that you’ll win some of the work out there.

What is your quote close ratio?

How many of your quotes do you win?
Let’s say you go back through your quote books for the last 3 months and add it up.
You work out that of the 50 quotes you did, you won 10 jobs.
Your close ratio is 1:5.

So you know, you only have to hear the word “no” 4 times,
because on average, the 5th time will be a “YES” – Yahoo!
* The more “no’s” you hear, the more “yes’s” you get.

It’s that simple.

So, why don’t you welcome your “no’s” ? They are, after all, only one more quote closer to your next “yes”.

Here at Missing Piece Marketing, we are all about improving close ratios.

Let’s say, out of 5 enquiry phone calls, you get 1 quote, and out of 5 quotes, you get 1 job.
* What if you changed slightly how you answer your phone, and what you say to a
phone prospect, and improved your phone closing to 1 in 3. That’s 1 out of
every 3 phone enquiries  wanted a quote.
Then, by changing the way you quote (how you present when you arrive, what you
say to your prospects and how you follow them up) you were able to lift your
quote close ratio to 1:3.
That’s 1 out of every 3 quotes you do, turn into work!

That’d be good wouldn’t  it?

B2B Lead Generation using a referral letter that teases them for an appointment

Those who take up our ‘The Secrets of Getting In’ programme say that:
We teach tradies and small business how to get into big companies for lots of regular work.
The best part about it is It’s micro-marketing.
We approach only 10 at a time.
Yep. only 10 at a time.


Well, we know that everybody who follows the simple system, will get to talk to
at least 8 of those they approach.
(They also report after 12 months, that this simple system is responsible for $2,000 extra turnover each and every week!)
We know our ‘close ratio’. We’ve worked it out.

We also know, they will get work, out of at least 7 of them.
That’s regular work.

You can take on more than you can handle, with the right b2b lead generation system.

So we have to be careful not to overload our members with too much new work ;-)

Carpet CleanerHere’s what Steven from Stainbusters Penrith had to say:
I was sceptical.
I’d tried getting in to bigger companies before and I was getting more “no’s” than “yes’s”.
It’s early days, but after using Paul’s ‘Secrets of Getting In’ system, out of the 10 companies I
had to approach, I’ve got appointments with 3 so far. One forgot I was coming.
The other two I spoke to, are giving me work.
I’ve never had results like this before.
If someone is feeling sceptical like I was, I say give Paul’s ‘no risk first session’ a go – you won’t regret it

Who'd have thought b2b lead generation could be that simple!

Just email me on: paul@missingpiecemarketing.com.au

for more information.

 If this report takes your fancy, it's OK with me, to share it with your friends, on your site, on your blog, on your autoresponder. Facebook it, Tweet it - even translate it!        BUT. . .

On one condition:

You must leave it intact without making any changes. All the links must stay connected. No adjustments to the text is allowed. (Of course that excludes Twitter).


Till next time,






Paul Johnson 2013

P.S. Do little things bug you?

This report has been proofread over and over, but still mistakes  slip through. If you find a grammatical error, spelling mistake or layout thing that bugs you, please click [3]here and let me know.

That would be a big help. Thanks.

I want more! Did I hear you say?

Hey, did someone think enough of you, to forward this report on to you, and you like what you see.

I can include you in the next (infrequent) distribution.

I'll send you a Free Report '17 Ways Advertising Companies can Rip You Off' !

Just to put your mind at ease, I have never (and will never) sell, rent or lend

my list of members to anyone outside of this organization. Guaranteed.

Are you sick of chasing people for money? 

FREE Resource Kit:

 debt recovery tool kit

Click on the tool kit above or here to access FREE resource kit

 cash flow

Click on the image above - to get the whole story..


These testimonials are from those who receive Paul's humorous report.

They are enjoying those 'tiny bits of information' and are now getting 'more local work - without advertising'.

Why not join them. Fill in for FREE Updates:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for your time, advice and knowledge today. And thanks for lunch too! I have now made the final payment installment. It's always great to work with you and I am very appreciative.

You make me not just a better businessman but a better person overall. I now have many things to ponder. Thanks for helping me on my life journey.

Kindest regards,

Craig Cook

Atlantis Plumbing info@atlantisplumbing.com.au

Click here for heaps of testimonials and videos »


Hi Paul,

I just wanted to say that I’m usually busy in my business and my inbox gets lots of ‘newsletters’ from people. I don’t have time to read them – I usually delete them.

But your reports are different. I was sceptical at first, but they put a smile on my face (we must have a similar sense of humour). I find myself stopping to read them, for two reasons:

1. You add a ‘human’ face to your reports; I identify with the stories you tell, to make your point, and 2. They always contain useful hints and tips I can use in my business.

I appreciate your generosity with your ideas.

If you are considering subscribing to Paul’s reports, Please don’t hesitate, just do it – it’ll put a smile on your face and dollars in your bank.
Tony Mathot

Tony Mathot

Dakota Cleaning Solutions